Useful information

Public transport in Gdańsk

There are numerous bus and tram lines offering access to any part of Gdansk, while the SKM city trains connect the city to Sopot, Gdynia and beyond. In order to make getting around extra easy for you, we’ve put together the basic information about tickets, as well as a list of popular routes with simple and clear advice on how to get there and back.
More about the public transportation in Gdańsk:


The multicultural cuisine of coastal Gdańsk has always been based on fish. Herring, Baltic salmon, sprats, eel, sturgeons and above all cod, turbot and various kinds of flounder types of fish have appeared on tables, served in thousands of ways. Recipes were based mainly on Kashubian, German and Jewish cuisine and consumption was always accompanied by alcohol – beer, wine and spirits. For tourists coming to Gdańsk, menus composed of gifts of the sea are waiting in the restaurants. You could try fish soup, amber – with a flavour enhanced by the addition of amber liquor and eel soup with dill, Kashubian style herring or herring in oil, as well as many species of fish fried or served straight from the grill. For meat gourmets, restaurateurs prepare Gdańsk style goose, roast pork with cumin, served with sauerkraut or Grass style braised goose with estragon. Desserts in traditional Gdańsk cuisine are made up of candied fruit and cakes. In Baltic cuisine cakes still reign, while candied fruits are slowly replaced by baked fruits, often with the addition of alcohol. So that tradition could be fulfilled, you need to finish a decent Gdańsk dinner with a glass of Goldwasser, a Gdańsk liqueur, in which flakes of genuine gold dance.
More about cuisine in Gdańsk:


Gdańsk is proud of its merchant traditions standing at the crossroads of important trading routes, it has been attracting fans of spices and fabrics, artworks and local crafts. Today locals and tourists buy souvenirs, books and everyday objects in Gdańsk’s shops, malls and bookshops. Many search for clothes, jewellery, cosmetics – both famous and local brands. Good Polish brands – Hera, Hexeline, Deni Cler for women, Vistula for men, Apart, Batycki and W.Kruk – jewellery and accessories, Gino Rossi and Kazar - shoes.
More about the shopping tips:

Shops and banks

Food stores are generally open between 6:00 or 7:00 (6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m.) and 18:00 (6:00 p.m.). Other shops tend to be open between 10:00 or 11.00 (10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.) and 18:00 (6:00 p.m.) from Monday to Saturday. Many shops are also open on Sunday. Poland is fast becoming a shopper's paradise. The most popular souvenir is amber from the Baltic sea. Poland is also known for its silver jewelry. Small family-owned galleries sell various products of handmade crafts and pottery. Regular banking hours are 9:00 (9:00 a.m.) to 18:00 (6:00 p.m.) from Monday to Friday. Banks, shops, restaurants and other public institutions stay open at lunchtime.


The official Polish unit of currency is Złoty (PLN). Major convertible foreign currencies may be changed into Polish złoty at banks, hotels and at private currency-exchange offices (in Polish "kantor"). In general, traveler's checks can be cashed and all major credit cards are accepted. The current exchange rate can be found here. There are many ATM machines located in vicinity of banks. They accept MasterCard and Visa cards.
Poland lies in the zone of moderate climate, intermediate between the marine and continental climates and the weather can be rather changeable. For current information, see Forecast. There is usually a rainy weather in Poland in October. The temperature can be cool, ranging from 5 till 15 °C.


Poland's power grid supplies 230 V/50 Hz current; round, European-style, two pin plugs are used.


Direct connections are available with almost all countries. Prefix to Poland +48
Emergency phone number
•    112 – Emergency (Hospital service, fire, rescue)
•    997 – Police
•    998 – Fire
•    999 – Hospital service


The population of Poland is 38 million. Over 1.8 million live in Warsaw - the capital of Poland. Polish is the official language. English and German are among the better-known foreign languages. The population is largely of Polish descent and more than 90% profess to be Roman Catholics.


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